The Air Force has certified Savi Technology’s active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) asset tracking and security tags aboard all fixed and rotary-wing aircraft– government, commercial, passenger or cargo–that transport supplies for the Department of Defense. The certification follows testing that shows the RFID tags did not interfere with onboard avionics such as radios, navigation or flight instruments. While Savi’s tags have been used on ally types of aircraft for many years without reported mishaps, this is the first time the military has thoroughly tested the devices on aircraft. The RFID III contract let by DoD earlier this year requires that active RFID devices be formally tested on aircraft to ensure that there is no interference problems with onboard avionics. “This more rigorous certification now clears the way for usage of our tags under the RFID II contract aboard all aircraft,” a Savi spokesman tells TR2. “Further, this potentially opens new markets because there is no doubt that our technology is safe aboard any type of aircraft, including commercial aircraft.” Savi is a unit of Lockheed Martin [LMT].