The Air Force successfully activated the second Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) satellite’s payload yesterday at 2:25 p.m. EST, according to a Space and Missile Systems Center statement.

Payload activation was accomplished from the AEHF command and control site located at Schriever AFB, Colo. During activation, the payload wings and antennas were deployed and the payload processors were initialized and verified in preparation for on-orbit test. The on-orbit test phase will take place over the next two months to verify communications capabilities for AEHF-2 prior to its integration into the combined Milstar/AEHF constellation, according to a statement.

Lockheed Martin [LMT] spokesman Michael Friedman said Monday the company has completed work on the third AEHF satellite, AEHF-3, which is now in storage awaiting a September 2013 launch. Lockheed Martin is the AEHF prime contractor.

Friedman also said Lockheed Martin is “progressing efficiently” on the fourth AEHF satellite, AEHF-4, having started assembly of the spacecraft’s system module and it plans to start integrating the payload before the end of 2012.

“Our team is well on track for launch availability in early 2017,” Friedman said regarding AEHF-4.

AEHF is designed to provide survivable, global, protected and jam-resistant communications for ground, sea and air assets. The joint program is run by the Air Force and also supports special operations, special nuclear operations, missile defense, space operations and intelligence (Defense Daily, Dec. 6).

AEHF is a follow-on to the Milstar system, augmenting, improving, and expanding the Defense Department’s Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) architecture, according to a statement.