American Science and Engineering [ASEI] has received a one-year, $750,000 Phase II award under the Department of Homeland Security’s Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program to design and build a prototype inspection system to screen general aviation aircraft. The prototype will combine AS&E’s Z Backscatter technology with an innovative portable platform to provide complete aircraft coverage in a one-man operation. The award follows a successful Phase I study of the general aircraft screening problem. DHS awarded AS&E a $99,837 Phase I contract in Nov. 2009. The study was completed in May 2010. General aviation accounts for the majority of all flights in the U.S., other than military and scheduled airline and cargo flights. “This prototype builds on work already in progress at AS&E to miniaturize Z Backscatter screening systems and is transferrable for use in nearly every X-Ray scanning or inspection system,” says Anthony Fabiano, AS&E’s president and CEO. Once a prototype is completed and the system enters field testing, AS&E will have a better idea of the market potential for the product based on how well it does in helping seize drugs and other contraband being ferreted into the U.S on general aviation aircraft, he says.