Alliant Techsystems [ATK] said this week it is combining its Launch Systems and Space Systems Groups to put all of its space business under a single management structure and will headquarter the new Space Systems group in the Washington, D.C., area to ensure a strong interface with its customers.

Space Systems will be led by Carl Marchetto, who is currently president of Space Systems. Ron Dittemore, who currently leads the much larger Launch Systems group, will become ATK’s senior vice president of Strategic Partnerships, reporting directly to ATK Chief Dan Murphy. Dittemore will lead the company’s efforts in support of NASA’s space exploration vision.

The current Space Systems group, which actually stood up in April, does about $300 million in sales. The new group, when combined with Launch Systems, will have sales over $1.6 billion.

“This new organization consolidates ATK’s full-spectrum space services capabilities, provides a single face to our customers, and positions us for future growth in space,” Murphy said in a statement.