During a recent visit to the United States, Australia’s Defence Science and Personnel Minister Warren Snowdon said defence science and technology keeps both nations secure.

“Australia, through the Defence Science and Technology Organisation, works closely with organisations in the U.S. to deliver capability for both the Australian and U.S. Defence Forces,” Snowdon said in a July 19 statement. “While in terms of size Australia may seem an unequal partner in an alliance, in terms of defence science and technology, we bring enormous value to the table.”

The Minister met with United States officials to discuss a wide-array of science and technology matters, including bilateral science and technology projects, collaborative efforts, and improvised explosive devices countermeasures.

Snowdon’s visit also strengthened relations with the U.S. government as well as meet with his defense counterparts and industry.

“It has been useful to discuss the U.S. experience in encouraging innovation between Defence, academia and industry, and learn more about their models of rapid science and technology development through to acquisition,” he said.