The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified Congress on Oct. 10 that the State Department has approved a potential Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to Australia for Close-In Weapons System Block 1B Baseline 2 upgrades and associated equipment, parts, training, and logistical support for an estimated cost of $76 million.
The prime contractor would be Raytheon [RTN].
The proposed sale would include up to three Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) Block 1B baseline 1 to Baseline 2 upgrade kits, the overhaul and upgrade of up to nine CIWS Block 1A mounts to Block 1B Baseline 2 systems, 11 Remote Control Stations, 11 Local Control Stations, spare and repair parts, support equipment, test equipment, personnel training and training equipment, and publications and technical documentation.
The FMS would also require U.S. Government and contractor logistics and technical support services as well as other related elements of logistics and program support.
The potential sale will help improve Australia’s maritime defense capability and future coalition operations, DSCA said in a statement. It would also use the capability as a deterrent to regional threats. Australia was noted as having no difficulty absorbing the upgrade into its armed forces.