Minister for Defence Science and Personnel Hon. Warren Snowdon May 27 met with National Executive members of the Australian Industry Group Defence Council to discuss future strategic collaborations between the Defence Science Technology Organization (DSTO) and industry.

Outlining the government’s plan to improve opportunities for industry to work more closely with DSTO, Snowdon recognized the critical role Australian industry plays in delivering capability to the Australian Defence Force and the wider Defence organization.

“Australia’s Defence industry is a crucial partner with DSTO in delivering quality, world-class technology to support the operational needs of the Australian Defence Force and the technology needs of the wider Defence organisation,” Snowdon said.

“As seen by the recently announced collaborative Defence Materials Technology Centre, we want to ensure that Australian industry has every opportunity to work alongside DSTO and realise innovative Defence science,” he said.

While recognizing cultural differences between DSTO and industry, Snowdon also stated an urgent need for Defence and industry to work together to train skilled staff in critical areas.

“We are developing strategies where ADF tradespeople can further improve their skills in the Defence industry, before returning to work with the ADF,” Snowdon said.

“I commend the Defence Council of the Australian Industry Group for its commitment and enthusiasm to future Defence capability and I look forward to further developing our productive working relationship and proving that Australian companies are some of the most successful and innovative in the world,” Snowdon said.