The private equity firm AE Industrial Partners (AEI) on Tuesday said HorizonX, the venture capital investment platform it partners with Boeing [BA] on, has made a $13 million investment in JuliaHub, a computing and machine learning software company that focuses on modeling, simulation, and user-built applications.

JuliaHub, which is based in Cambridge, Mass., has worked with the aerospace, pharmaceutical, finance and semiconductor sectors to put its rapid modeling and simulation capabilities to work. AEI said that JuliaHub’s platform is being used for drone guidance, aircraft collision avoidance, planning space missions, robot control and more.

JuliaHub said the new investment will allow it to continue to develop and deploy its capabilities to other industries. The company’s Julia open-source programming language is used to speed product design.

“Julia allows researchers, engineers and developers who previously used different programming languages to share a common language to design, build and deploy technical systems,” AEI said.