DoE Lab Offers License for Tool to Improve Situational Awareness of SCADA Network
The Department of Energy (DoE) Idaho National Laboratory is offering the opportunity to license, further develop, and commercialize Sophia, a new software tool for providing improved situational awareness of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) network. Sophia has been developed for two years and will help users secure the SCADA network. The tool was developed based on industry need. Sophia is a passive, real-time tool for inter-device communication and discovery and monitoring of the active elements in a SCADA system. The tool provides SCADA network traffic visualization in a 3-D graphical environment. DoE says the most immediate application of Sophia is for situational awareness of SCADA networks in the energy sector. The tool is currently in beta testing, which is expected to be finished this year, with commercialization for wide scale production by Oct. 2012. Sol. No. 12-01. Respond by Feb. 23. Contact: Mark Kaczor, commercialization manager, [email protected], 208-526-0360.
DNDO Seeks Info on Sources for Rad Detection Equipment at Borders
The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO), Systems Engineering and Evaluation Directorate, is seeking information on commercial-off-the-shelf systems designed for radiological and nuclear monitoring instruments that can be used at and inside the borders by law enforcement agencies. DNDO is only interested in gamma search devices, neutron search devices, and spectrometric personal radiation detectors. DNDO seeks to have the devices tested under the Illicit Trafficking Radiation Assessment Program+10 (ITRAP+10), which it is conducting with the European Commission, Directorate General Joint Research Center. The purpose of the program is to evaluate and compare the performance of radiation detection equipment related to nuclear security with the results providing an independent assessment of available radiation detection equipment on the market as a reference for regulatory and other authorities to identify equipment to satisfy their needs. The ITRAP+10 project is expected to last one more year. Sol. No. HSHQDC-12-R-00025. Respond by Jan. 25. Contact: Willie Lindsey, contracting officer, [email protected], 202-254-7008.
PM Defense Biometrics Issues RFI for Enabling Capability Increment 1
The Program Manager for DoD Biometrics has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for system engineering concepts for Biometrics Enabling Capability (BEC) Increment 1. The DoD Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) BEC Increment 0 focuses on achieving identity dominance and identity management over neutral, unknown and adversary population groups. Under ABIS BEC 1, DoD is seeking information under 10 categories: scalable storage; scalable search, match and fusion processing; integration of voice; self learning algorithms, Bayesian techniques, adaptability or artificial intelligence to support multi-modal fusion, quality scoring, etc.; automated interoperability with the US-VISIT IDENT biometric database, the FBI’s IAFIS biometric database, the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory, and international systems such as Interpol; what can be accomplished from open source and if not, what can be decoupled; cloud and virtualization; flexibility in disaster recovery and business planning; handle cross domain solutions; and improving system speed. Sol. No. W15QKN-12-X-D014. Respond by Jan. 31. Contact: Jonathon Lopes, contract specialist, [email protected], 973-724-5357.
TSA Issues RFI for Test Management and Tracking System
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for a Test Management and Tracking System (TMTS) that would administer and track assessments within the agency. The initial goal of the TMTS is to create, deliver and manage the assessment data of the agency’s officer workforce. This information is used to track employee knowledge, make training recommendations, and reach employment decisions. To ensure continuity in testing it is important to have a viable offline testing option, and a help desk that is available during TSA operating hours. Sol. No. HSTS01-12-I-HRM001. Respond by Feb. 13. Contact: Victor Carden, contract specialist, [email protected], 571-227-4834.
CBP Plans Industry Day for Tactical Long-Range Communications Network
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) plans to host an unclassified Industry Day on Feb. 8 to inform companies of program requirements for the maintenance, repair and services of its 26-year-old Cellular Over-The-Horizon Enforcement Network (COTHEN). The agency developed and deployed the high-frequency COTHEN network to meet its tactical long-range radio communications requirements. Contractor requirements include developing and maintaining the server system hardware, software and upgrades. The contractor will also provide system engineering support, software engineering support and engineering program support, service center repair for high frequency radio equipment and more. Sol. No. IndustryDay. Respond by Feb. 1. Contact: Rex Rodwell, contract specialist, [email protected], 317-614-4566.
Army Seeks Sources for JBTDS
The Joint Program Manager Biological Defense (JPM-BD) has issued a Sources Sought Notices for interest from commercial entities with the capability to develop and produce systems for the Joint Biological Tactical Detection System (JBTDS), which is a lightweight, low-cost, man-portable and battery operable capability set that will provide point detection, collection and identification of biological warfare agents. The JBTDS will be networked for system status and alerts to include a base station node with remote nodes. Sol. No. W911QY-12-S-0002. Respond by Feb. 24. Contact: Richard Totten, [email protected], 301-619-2446.