CBP Interested in Common Viewer, 3rd Party Algorithms for Different NII Systems
The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have issued a pre-solicitation for a common viewer for different non-intrusive inspection (NII) systems supplied by different vendors. With each different NII system having its own graphical user interface, “this results in training and operational inefficiencies,” DHS says. The program will investigate the potential operational and manning efficiencies to be gained through a common viewer that can work from both local and remote locations. The primary goal of the project will be to evaluate the technical feasibility of integrating the output of multiple vendors NII technology into a service oriented architecture with a common viewer and network those workstations in the and out of the ports of entry and at other locations in the command structure. In addition, DHS wants the system to be designed to accept independent third-party developed contraband threat recognition modules conforming to a common applications programming interface to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of CBP officers to detect different types of contraband. The pre-solicitation is being released through the Department of Interior under the title “Common Viewer System with Independent Threat Recognition Module(s).” DHS says the eventual Request for Proposal will contain a baseline system demonstration that will be divided into four phases, ending with a full demonstration of the system capability at two or more ports of entry. The notional period of performance for the baseline demonstration is 13-22 months. Sol. No. D16PS00036. Contact: Russell Choate, Department of Interior Business Center Acquisition Services Directorate, Sierra Vista, Ariz.
Army to Host Industry Day for DoD ABIS Plans
The Army Contract Command at Fort Dix, N.J., on behalf of the Project Manager DoD Biometrics/Product Manager Biometrics Enabling Capability (PM BEC) will conduct an Industry Day on Dec. 18 to provide and discuss information regarding PM BEC’s upcoming procurement of DoD Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) sustainment services and service life extension. The Army seeks a system integrator to provide operations and maintenance support services, sustainment, enhancements and modifications of the existing DoD ABIS version 1.2 as sell as the creation of the DoD ABIS 1.3 baseline. The system integrator will provide program management, system engineering, logistics management, sustainment services to include system operations and maintenance, and service live extension. A potential five-year contract is envisioned. The DoD ABIS is the central authoritative database for biometrics data collected in the field from known and suspected terrorists, along with persons of interest to the DoD. Northrop Grumman [NOC] is the prime contractor for ABIS. Sol. No. W15QKN-15-R-5146. Contact: Amy Senter, contracting officer, [email protected], 609-562-5649.
TSA to Host SPP Industry Day in January
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will host a Screening Partnership Program (SPP) Industry Day on Jan. 12, 2016 in Arlington, Va. The agency will prove a general overview of the program’s direction and goals and inform industry of the acquisition process, and to obtain feedback and insight into industry’s capabilities. The SPP program enables airports to choose to use a private screening force for checkpoint and checked baggage security instead of relying on TSA officers. Respond by Jan. 6. Contact: Victor Martinez, contracting officer, [email protected], 571-227-2218.
DNDO Plans BAA for Wearable Intelligent Nuclear Detection
The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) plans to issue a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) under Advanced Technology Demonstrations for the research, development, design and demonstration of Wearable Intelligent Nuclear Detection (WIND) performance test unit in support of the agency’s mission. Sol. No. BAA_WIND. Contact: Heather Poindexter, [email protected], 202-254-7094.
DHS S&T Seeks Research Proposals for Bioforensics and Chemical Forensics
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate has issued a call for proposals for the research and development of next-generation and novel technologies to characterize biological and chemical threat agents for source attribution in support of FBI and the National Bioforensics Analysis Center requirements in a criminal investigation. These include novel technologies to characterize the organism, the agent, or the sample matrix. Products and research are sought in three technical topic areas: identify and sequence near neighbors of Francisella tularensis; metgenomics analysis of complex biological samples; high confidence metagenomics analysis of complex samples. Sol. No. HSHQDC14RB0009OBAA1400Call14. Respond by Jan. 7, 2016. Contact: Jigisha Patel, [email protected], 202-254-8207.
CBP Issues RFI seeking Maintenance for Leidos Equipment
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking contractors who can perform corrective and preventative maintenance work for various equipment supplied by Leidos [LDOS] for port and border security. The equipment includes radiation portal monitors, large scale X-Ray non-intrusive imaging systems, large scale VACIS gamma imaging systems, and radiation isotope identification devices. Sol. No. CBP_RFI_12_2-2015. Respond by Dec. 22. Contact: Jacob Burns, contracting officer, [email protected], 317-381-5474.
DHS Small Vendor Outreach Event Set for Jan. 21
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization will host its next monthly small vendor outreach session on Jan. 21, 2016 in Washington, D.C. The sessions are pre-arranged 15-minute appointments with small business specialists from various components of the DHS procurement offices and will provide the small business community an opportunity to discuss their capabilities and learn of potential procurement opportunities. Respond on Jan. 14, 2015, 12:00 noon Eastern Time. Contact: Wendy Hill, VOS Coordinator, [email protected], 202-447-5286.