IARPA Plans Proposers” Day for Odin Program
The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA) plans to host a Proposers’ Day on March 11 in advance of Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Odin program, which is aimed at developing biometric presentation attack detection technologies to ensure biometric security systems can detect when someone is attempting to disguise their biometric identity. Proposed approaches must be capable of detecting presentation attacks that they may have never seen before, instead of implementing protections against specific, well-known attacks, utilizing methods such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, and more. Biometric modalities of interest are face, finger and iris. Sol. No. IARPA-BAA-16-05. Respond by March 3. Contact: Christopher Boehnen, program manager, [email protected], or [email protected].
Navy Identity Program Seeks Information on Contactless Biometric Sensors
The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command Atlantic, Solutions in Identity Management (SIM) Integrated Product Team, is seeking information on commercial off-the-shelf contactless on-the-move face, finger and iris sensors, and on a contactless on-the-move multimodal biometrics identification system. The information is sought under the Gatekeeper on the move Biometrics Program. The product team plans to conduct objective comparative assessments and validations of commercial equipment and products and provide those results to the biometrics community of interest. Respond by Feb. 26. Contact: Jackie Luna, contract specialist, [email protected].
Army Plans Third Cyber Innovation Challenge
The Army’s Acquisition Directorate, Army Cyber Command and Second Army, and the Training and Doctrine Command, are initiating a Cyber Innovation Challenge to investigate advanced software-based prototype solutions. The intent of the challenge is to identify and deliver a holistic prototype micro-cloud management solution for the Army’s core distributed cloud infrastructure for Defensive Cyberspace Operations. The Army will host an Industry Day on March 31 at Defense Innovation Unit Experimental facilities in Mountain View, Calif., to provide industry and academia the opportunity to obtain further details and engage in discussion on government requirements with the government sponsors. Sol. No. w15qkn16z03gp. Contact: Frank Corradi, contract specialist, [email protected].
DNDO Wants to Partner with Industry on Replay Tool
The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) has established a new common acquisition approach requiring a Replay Tool for all future acquisitions of radiological and nuclear detection equipment and wants to partner with industry to ensure the requirements of the tool are understood and to obtain feedback. The agency says a verified Replay Tool will exactly reproduce the algorithm results produced by the software in the related radiation detection system and that the primary requirement for any Replay Tool is the exact reproduction of the analysis results from the device, given identical sensor data and parameter inputs. DNDO plans to offer industry the opportunity to enter into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement so that Replay Tool requirements are understood, to provide the agency with early access to Replay Tools, and to provide a forum for exchanging information regarding the tools generated prior to the next acquisition. Sol. No. SN-DNDO-RPM-CRADA. Respond by Feb. 23. Contact: Matthew Robertson, [email protected], 202-254-7163.
CBP Issues RFI for Pallet X-Ray Scanners
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to identify vendors that can provide X-Ray scanners that can accommodate pallet-sized loads to support the Non-Intrusive Inspection program. The agency is seeking information from vendors with multiple system design option to meet the range of possible requirements. These options should include a minimum of two designs, where one design option provides for the small cargo/large parcel scanning configuration requirements and the other design option provides for the cargo/pallet scanning configuration requirements. Sol. No. RFI-160208-CBP. Respond by March 3. Contact: Nathan Briggs, contract specialist, [email protected].
State Department Seeks Support for Worldwide Vetting Services
The State Department has issued a Request for Information regarding best practices and the feasibility of deploying employment vetting support teams to all regions of the world, excluding Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, over the course of five years. The current method of vetting relies on the Regional Security Office of the U.S. Embassy to provide final employment vetting and approval to ensure that all locally engaged staff and contract personnel who require unescorted access to department facilities do not pose unacceptable risks to the safety and security of U.S. government personnel and property. Under the World-Wide Vetting project, a support team shall support State Department polygraph examiners with overseas vetting. The support team shall consist of regional linguist or interpreter, biometric database collection specialist, field support technician, and badging office specialist using government provided equipment and software. Sol. No. SAQMMA16RFIWWV. Respond by Feb. 29. Contact: Luis “Cisco” Kagalis, [email protected].