FAA Surveys Market for CBP RVSS Camera Upgrade

On behalf of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is conducting a market survey for a 180-degree view camera package for the Remote Video Surveillance System (RVSS) Upgrade. The draft requirements say that multiple individual cameras can be used to create this capability but they must be contained in a single physical package. The camera must be able to identify/detect a vehicle at a distance of 500 meters and operate between minus 32 degrees Celsius to 55 degrees Celsius. The nature of a competition has not been determined. Sol. No. 24401. Contact: Rob LaFollette, [email protected], 405-954-7384.

USCIS Seeks Sources for Customer Engagement Center Support

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Customer Service & Public Engagement Directorate is conducting market research related to support of a Customer Engagement Center (CEC) for customers to get assistance on citizenship and immigration related information. The contractor shall provide, operate and furnish the CEC, provide sufficient operational staff to support about 600,000 monthly calls, and collaborate with USCIS and other supporting contractors involved in improving CEC operations. The contractor will also provide qualified, trained staff to handle inbound and outbound call inquiries through phone system as well as emails and chat inquiries. Sol. No. P2015028425. Contact: Patrick Nott, contract specialist, [email protected], 802-872-4636.

DNDO Issues RFI for Vehicle Mounted Systems for Test Program

The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for commercially available vehicle mounted mobile systems (VMMS) to participate in a campaign under DNDO Directed Test Program. The information will be used to select VMMS, the technical and operational performance of these systems will be characterized, focusing on detection, identification, false alarms, localization, mapping, and effectiveness and suitability. The test will help provide DNDO and its stakeholders a baseline understanding of industry’s capability to help inform future tests, grand funding planning, and or concepts of operations development. The Directed Test Program provides comprehensive performance data at the request of federal, state, local, tribal and territorial stakeholders. Sol. No. RDAS-16-0011. Respond by June 17. Contact: Heather Poindexter, contract specialist, [email protected], 202-254-7094.

Army Seeks Sources for Next-Gen Chem Detector

The Army has issued a Sources Sought Notice to conduct market research to identify potential sources having interest and industry technologies available to support or provide the engineering and manufacturing development, low-rate initial production, and full-rate production of the Next Generation Chemical Detector Increment 1, now referred to as the Aerosol and Vapor Chemical Agent Detector (AVCAD). The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense, Joint Program Manager for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Contamination Avoidance will use the information acquired from the notice to optimize the AVCAD acquisition strategy. The AVCAD program is currently in the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction phase. Sol. No. W911SR16RNGCD1. Respond by June 13. Contact: Linda Ensminger, [email protected], 410-436-8564.

Army Looking to Optimize Acquisition Strategy for XM14 Chem Detector

The Army has issued a Sources Sought Notice for potential sources and technologies that can support the engineering and manufacturing development, low-rate initial production, and full-rate production of the XM14 multi-phase sample analysis chemical agent detector, XM14, formerly known at Next Generation Chemical Detector 3-Sample Analysis or Multi-Sample Identifier. The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense will use the responses to optimize the XM14 acquisition strategy. An Industry Day for the program is slated for mid- to late August. Sol. No. Q911SR-RFI-5002. Respond by June 13. Contact: Jemel Hogan, [email protected], 410-436-4068.

DTRA Issues BAA for Nuclear Detection and Monitoring and Verification Technologies

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for New Initiatives for Nuclear Detection and Monitoring and Verification Technologies. The agency seeks the best approaches to meet the technology objectives within the capability areas: radiation imaging, search and localization, upstream detection, non-permissive environments, computer vision, vehicle and material tracking, and explosive depth in mountainous topology. The agency plans to award contracts with FY ’17 funding ranging from $500,000 to $5 million for between one to three years. Sol. No. HDTRA1-17-NTD-BAA. Respond by June 21. Contact: Debra Albrecht, [email protected].

DHS S&T to Host Industry Day for Mobile Application Security

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) branch will host in Industry Day in Northern Virginia on June 9 regarding a Broad Agency Announcement in April 2014 on cyber security. The Industry Day is to brief interested parties on the BAA topic Mobile Application Security Research and Development. The current BAA is for five years and is being managed by S&T’s Cyber Security Division. Responses for the Industry Day are due by June 7. Contact: [email protected].

Missile Defense Agency Issues Draft RFP for Cyber Security

The Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has issued a draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for the IT Cybersecurity & Risk Management” requirement under the Technical, Engineering, Advisory, and Management Support (TEAMS) acquisitions. Sol. No. HQ0147-16-R-0005. Contact: Ashley Kennemer, contract specialist, [email protected], 256-450-1170.

TSA Issues BAA for Innovation for Aviation Security

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) meant to encourage the development of diverse, forward looking solutions for the near and long-term to improve the aviation screening system. Near-term solutions are mature and ready to work in an operational environment and can fit within current aviation screening systems. Long-term solutions assist the agency in moving towards a system-of-systems approach with an open system architecture, seamless passenger experience, and improved effectiveness. The agency is interest in individual next-generation solutions and or processes that influence a single component of the larger aviation security system as well as solutions that integrate individual components to achieve greater operational capability than an individual solution. Solutions could include screening and non-screening capabilities. Sol. No. HSTS04-16-R-BAA001. Respond by July 12. Contact: Kerry Toscano: [email protected].

Secret Services Soliciting for Perimeter Security Assets for Party Conventions

The Secret Service has issued a pre-solicitation notice seeking perimeter security assets for the Republican and Democratic National Conventions that will be held this July in Cleveland and Philadelphia respectively. The agency has a requirement for a major event planner with the demonstrated capability, capacity, and proven experience to interpret, implement, and integrate temporary law enforcement event physical security resource requirements, timelines, and planning sequences. The work will consist of providing perimeter security that includes bike rack barricades, portable vehicle barriers, anti-scale fencing and concrete barriers, and other miscellaneous equipment as well as installation of directional signage. Sol. No. HSSS01-16-R-0038. Respond by June 3. Contact: Danielle Donaldson, contract specialist, [email protected], 202-406-6812.