DHS S&T Issues BAA for Assured Timing for Critical Infrastructure
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate has issued a five-year Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for assured Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) related to critical infrastructure. S&T has identified the need for assured PNT as a programmatic goal and the initial work will focus on the timing portion of PNT services used throughout critical infrastructure. S&T seeks to assess the impact of timing disruption, corruption, or loss of signal on critical infrastructure assets and networks through three specific focus areas. The areas are: the development of low cost assured timing technologies; identify and assess short and long-term impacts to key critical infrastructures when timing is tampered with, denied, incorrect or unavailable; and develop effective detection capability of timing issues specific to critical infrastructure that can easily be integrated into existing operations. Award values will not exceed $3 million. Sol. No. HSHQDC-15-R-B0008. Respond by July 29. Contact: Richard Simons, BAA-15-R-B0008@hq.dhs.gov.
IARPA Issues BAA for Thor Biometric Attack Detection
The Office of the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Thor program, which seeks to develop biometric presentation attack detection technologies to detect when someone is attempting to disguise their biometric identity to circumvent biometric security systems. Biometric modalities of interest are face, finger and iris. Proposed approaches must be capable of detecting known and unknown presentation attacks. Sol. No. IARPA-BAA-16-04. Respond by Aug. 15. Contact: Dr. Chris Boehnen, program manager, dni-iarpa-baa-16-04@iarpa.gov.
DHS to Host Small Business Event Vendor Outreach Session in July
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization will host a Vendor Outreach Session in Washington, D.C., on July 21. The event will be held at the Homeland Security Acquisition Institute and consist of a series of pre-arranged 15-minue appointments with Small Business Specialists from various components of the DHS procurement offices. Also in attendance will be prime contractor small business liaisons from several of the large businesses who have contracts with DHS. Respond to DHS on July 14. Contact: Wendy Bill, VOS Coordinator, wendy.hill@hq.dhs.gov, 202-447-5286.
NGA Issues RFI for Cyber Security and Risk Management
The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) has issue a Request for Information (RFI) for the Cybertron contract. The requirements for the contract exist under the NGA Enterprise Support to Management and Resources for Technical Services (ESMARTS) contract, but will not be competed with the MOHAVE contract. The agency has an existing mission critical need to provide cyber security and risk management services to ensure the security of its programs and systems. The work will be done on behalf of the Chief Information Officer. The contract will be an open competition and the award will for up to five years. Sol. No. NGA-RFI-Cybersecurity_and_Risk_mgmt. Respond by July 7. Contact: CyberRisk Mgmt Inbox, contract specialist, cyberriskmgmt@nga.mil.
TSA Seeks Help for Public Transportation ISAC
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) concerning sources capable of providing and maintaining a Public Transportation Information Security & Analysis Center (PT-ISAC) or its technical equivalent, while developing mass transit and passenger rail security-related recommended practices, guidelines or white papers. Providing and maintaining a fully operational PT-ISAC or its functional equivalent entails an operational, 24/7 incident reporting and threat-monitoring/information sharing mechanism. Daily, situational engagement of the full spectrum of public and private sector transportation is required. The agency currently has an agreement with a non-profit organization to maintain the PT-ISAC and is exploring commercial possibilities to run it. Sol. No. HSTS0216IRFI202. Respond by July 1. Contact: Edwin Pasha, contract specialist, Edwin.pasha@tsa.dhs.gov, 571-227-3569.
CBP Conducting Market Survey for Maritime Radar Sensor Feeds
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued a market survey for radar sensor feeds in the Great Lakes region as part of a larger effort by the Border Patrol to rapidly acquire fully functional, and ideally commercially available, systems to enhance border enhancement efforts. The feeds will be integrated with the Maritime Detection Project command and control system. The feeds must provide long-range persistent surveillance to enable the detection, tracking, identification and classification of items of interest in key maritime areas. Sol. No. 24694. Respond by June 29. Contact: Rob LaFollette, Robert.lafollette@faa.gov, 405-954-7384.
DNDO to Issue BAA for Exploratory Research
The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) on July 8 plans to release a Broad Agency Announcement for exploratory research using FY ’16 funds. The announcement will include the following topics: Approaches for advanced continuous monitoring of radiological and nuclear threats by law enforcement vehicles; Development of accelerators with applications to homeland security; Low cost, large volume, spectroscopic and long-term stable plastic scintillators for gamma detection; Modeling to improve risk assessment and encounter dynamics in challenging pathways; and Development of materials to support fundamental nuclear data targets and nuclear forensics reference materials. Sol. No. HDHQDN-16-R-0002. Contact: Amanda Wylie, mandy.wylie@dhs.gov, 202-254-7230.
DHS S&T Issues RFI for Contraband Detection via Colorimetric Technologies
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for colorimetric detection technologies and is reaching out to industry to identify companies that have applicable products. There are no formal DHS requirements for colorimetric detection technologies to guide developmental test and evaluation so S&T wants to determine whether conducting characterization testing of various colorimetric detection capabilities as it relates to the DHS mission. Sol. No. RFI-TSL0623. Contact: Phyllis Reaves, Phyllis.reaves@hq.dhs.gov, 609-813-2894.