IARPA Issues BAA for Cyber Attack Forecasting Program
The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Cyber-attack Automated Unconventional Environment (CAUSE) program, which seeks to fund research on multi-disciplinary methods that provide accurate and timely forecasts of cyber attacks. Throughout the program IARPA expects awardees under the BAA to identify and extract novel leading singles from both internal and external sensors and generate warnings for cyber attacks against participating organizations. The program is envisioned to begin in Feb. 2016 and end by Aug. 2019. Sol. No. IARPA-BAA-15-06. Resopnd by Sept. 14. Contact: Robert Rahmer, program manager, [email protected].
DNDO Issues RFI to Better Understand Research in Wide Area Surveillance
The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for emerging domain awareness research or technology that will assist in detecting radiological and nuclear threat objects being smuggled or trafficked at the non-ports of entry border areas. It is desired that the technologies would support wide-area sensing or surveillance applications in air, land, or maritime environments. Current detection methods tend to be static and deployed at official points and ports of entry. Examples of the targets, signals or signatures that might be considered include the presence of larger amounts of high density materials that could shield radiation emitted from radioactive materials hidden inside, the presence of guns or other weapons to defend these materials, or other signatures that may be defined by the responder. Sol. No. HSHQDC-15-I-DNTAR2. Respond by Aug. 12. Contact: Terry Mincey, contract specialist, [email protected], 202-254-7064.
DNDO Issues RFI for Personal Radiation Detectors
The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to conduct market research on commercial-off-the-shelf personal radiation detectors (PRDs), which are part of the agency’s Human Portable Radiation Detection System program. The pager-size devices are worn by users for radiological and nuclear detection capability and personal protection by automatically monitoring the environment and alerting users when radiation levels above the natural background are detected. The HPRDS program is being executed in coordination with Customs and Border Protection, the Transportation Secrity Adminstration, and the Coast Guard. Sol. No. HSHQDC-15-RFI-Personal_Radiation_Detector. Respond by Aug. 3. Contact: Matthew Robertson, [email protected], 202-254-7163.
TSA Issues RFI for Handheld Resolution Tool
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Office of Security Capabilities has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for a Handheld Resolution Tool (HRT) that could be used by Transportation Security Officers to quickly resolve anomalies found on a passenger during primary screening through the use of Advanced Imaging Technology and Walk Through Metal Detectors at airport checkpoints. TSA says the information obtained through the RFI may be used in the development of an operational concept that may result in a solicitation. Requirements of the HRT system include detection and automatic alert to the presence of conceal anomoalies on the body, ability to screen passengers without requiring the removal of clothing, and have a high level of reliability, maintainability and availability. Sol. No. TSA25_04_02737_RFI_Handheld_Resolution_Tool. Respond by July 30. Contact: Melyssa Bertucci, [email protected].
State Department Issues RFI for Identity Management System
The Department of State has issued a Request for Information (RFI) regarding the availability and feasibility of attracting provider to support its Identity Management Program. The department is interested in information related to a PIV Issuance System and Issuance Architecture, system interface, card issuance, help desk services, the convergence of physical and logical access control systems, credential issuance and more. Sol. No. SAQMMA15I0054. Respond by Aug. 13. Contact: Steven Haines, [email protected], 703-312-3676.
DHS Plans Small Business Event Vendor Outreach Session for August
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization will host a small business outreach session in Washington, DC, on Aug. 20. The sessions are a series of pre-arranged 15-minute appointments with small business specialists from various components of the DHS procurement offices. The sessions will allow the small business community an opportunity to discuss their capabilities and learn of potential procurement opportunities. Prime contractor small business liaisons from several large companies that have contract with DHS will be in attendance. Respond by Aug. 13. Contact: Sharon Davis, [email protected], 202-447-0104.