Unisys [UIS] has received a potential five-year, $350 million contract from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to build an advanced system to better identify people and vehicles entering and exiting the U.S. through its land borders with Canada and Mexico. The Land Border Integration (LBI) contract has a one-year base period value of about $29 million and four one-year options estimated to be worth about $25 million annually. The $350 million ceiling value allows for additional scope at CBP’s discretion. The new award follows Unisys’ work for CBP that began in 2008 to help the agency implement the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI). Under WHTI, Unisys supplied CBP with automated license plate reader technology to screen vehicles and radio frequency identification technology to confirm the citizenship and identity of travelers with WHTI- approved, RFID-enabled travel documents. Unisys says that LBI will expand the project through the use of innovative technologies and processes to provide further efficiencies at the land border. Unisys used Perceptics‘ license plate reader technology for WHTI.