Customs and Border Protection (CBP) last Friday issued two Requests for Proposal (RFP) for border wall prototypes with the intention to award multiple contracts and initial task orders for the design and construction of multiple wall prototypes.

Photo of U.S. border with Mexico. U.S. is on the left. Parson has done border security work with Customs and Border Protection. Photo: CBP
Photo of U.S. border with Mexico. U.S. is on the left. The two countries are separated by a fence in this photo. The Trump administration plans to look at new structures made of concrete to separate the two countries. Photo: CBP

The prototypes will inform future design standards that will likely continue to evolve to meet the Border Patrol’s requirements.

CBP says in both RFPs that the maximum value for all individual orders awarded under the forthcoming indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) contract shall not exceed $300 million for the five-year period. It also says that the maximum for any single order is not expected to exceed $275 million.

The RFPs are entitled “Solid Concrete Border Wall Prototype,” and “Other Border Wall Prototype.”

The design and construction projects under both RFPs may include the construction of solid concrete wall prototypes for various miles of border from San Diego, Calif., on the Pacific Coast, to Brownsville, Texas, on the Gulf Coast.

The RFPs say that after award of the ID/IQ and prototype task order, the successful ID/IQ contractors will all compete for future task orders based on the evaluation factors set forth in the task order RFPs. Only awardees under the RFP for the ID/IQ contract will be eligible to compete for future task orders.