By Calvin Biesecker

The Coast Guard on Monday published a new strategic plan for command, control, communications, computers and information technology (C4&IT) that identifies the goals, objectives and initiatives for the service over the next five years and includes a performance plan that outlines specific programs and annual milestones that are expected to be fulfilled.

The plan is a first for the Coast Guard and serves as guidance “to better integrate and synchronize” the service’s C4&IT modernization and operational capabilities, says the 60-page document that covers fiscal years 2008 through 2012.

There is no funding identified in the plan for specific programs. The plan mentions that one of the challenges in the C4&IT area is increasing user expectations and requirements as technology advances against a relatively constant level of funding.

“As demands increase, we must improve our ability to prioritize investments to achieve maximum results with our scarce resources,” the plan says.

The goals and programs in the plan are meant to align with the Department of Homeland Security Chief Information Officer’s (CIO) goals and with the Coast Guard’s strategic priorities. The plan was developed by the Coast Guard CG-6, which is Rear Adm. David Glenn, assistant commandant for C4&IT who also is the service’s CIO.

A key feature of the strategic plan is an FY ’08 Performance Plan that aligns specific programs with five goals that the CG-6 expects to accomplish over the next five years. The goals are information, technology, security, governance and operational excellence.

The information goal refers to things like sharing and quality while the security goal deals with cyber attacks, intrusions and recovery.

The plan lists a slew of programs under each goal. For example, under information, the Nationwide Automated Identification System (NAIS) is one of the programs. The plan also lists several quarterly milestones that are expected to be reached for NAIS in FY ’08, including the contract award for Increment 2. NAIS is aimed at improving Maritime Domain Awareness through automated exchanges of vessel data.

Under the technology goal, the CG-6 outlines several quarterly milestones related to outfitting the service’s small cutters with improved C4 performance as well as the transition to the DHS OneNet intranet effort.

Referring to the five goals expected to be accomplished over five years of the plan, Glenn says, “By targeting our C4&IT efforts in each of these areas, we can focus on immediately improving mission support while creating a foundation for future enhancements.”

The Coast Guard said the Strategic Plan and Performance Plan will be updated on a yearly basis.