The Coast Guard will hold an industry day May 13 to outline its plans to conduct Post Shakedown Availabilities (PSA) for the first two National Security Cutters (NSC), the CGC Bertholf (WMSL-750) and the CGC Waesche (WMSL-751).
The Coast Guard will provide a brief background on the National Security Cutter program, the PSA preliminary work plan, an overview of the scope of for proposed structural modifications and associated interferences, as well as other planned work. Time for industry feedback and open questions will also be provided, according to the solicitation.
The solicitation can be found at (HSCG85-08-R-62WMSL).
The Coast Guard’s current intent is to award a PSA contract covering both cutters. PSA planning is not to the point where a government estimate has been developed. However, some very preliminary rough order of magnitude estimates indicate that the total contract award for both cutters may approximate $50 million, according to the notice.
The planned contract type is Cost Plus Fixed Fee. Work scope for each vessel will include structural modifications requiring dry docking with an overall performance period estimated at eight to 10 months. The estimated starting date for the PSA of the Bertholf is April 2010. PSA of the Waesche will follow the completion of Bertholf’s PSA; an estimated start date will be provided at this meeting.
Individuals wishing to attend this Industry Day must submit their name, company affiliation, position, company address, telephone number, fax, and e-mail address to the Primary Point of Contact listed in this Notice no later than noon Pacific Daylight Time, Wednesday, May 7, 2008. Please e-mail this information to [email protected].