TSA Awards Leidos $45M to Continue to Provide HAZMAT Services
Leidos [LDOS] has received a potential five-year, $45 million contract from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to continue to provide hazardous materials (HAZMAT) management and disposal services at more than 440 airport screening checkpoints. The contract has a one-year base period and four one-year options. Leidos has supported TSA for the past 13 years for the HAZMAT services.
CBP Awards CACI $5M Bridge Contract for C4I Services
CACI International [CACI] has received a potential six-month $5 million contract extension from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to continue providing C4I services in support of the agency’s Air and Marine Operations Center. The award contains a four-month, $3.4 million base period and a two-month, $1.6 million option. CACI currently provides C4I system maintenance support and enhancement services to the Air and Marine Operations Surveillance System, which provides a real-time picture of activity over a wide portion of the Western Hemisphere by processing a collection of external data imposed over a scalable display, allowing system operators to discriminate between “normal” and “suspicious” aircraft, vessels, vehicles, and other forms of conveyance. The bridge contract is necessary while the Government Accountability Office adjudicates a protest.
DHS S&T Swards $10M in Phase II SBIR Awards
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) branch has awarded $9.7 million to 12 small businesses for 13 Phase II contracts through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. Each award is for about $750,000 to develop a prototype based on the feasibility of the technologies demonstrated in the Phase I effort, which was completed last November. The Phase II contractors and prototype efforts are: BlockCyber, Blockchain Platform for Multiple Blockchains, Applications and Analytics; BlueRISC, Inc., Cyber Attack Prediction for Situational Understanding and Preemptive Cyber Defense; Card Smart Technologies, Composite Identity for High Assurance Remote Identity Proofing; Digital Bazaar, Verifiable Claims and Fit-for-Purpose Decentralized Ledgers; Evernym, Inc., Decentralized Key Management using Blockchain; Evigia Systems, Inc., Wide Area Flood Alert Sensor Network; Inferlink Corp., Openwatch: An architecture for Scalable Resiliency Management; McQ Inc., MEGASCOP: Multi Interface Secure Audio/Video Rebroadcasting System; Oceanit Laboratories, First Responder Indoor Determination; Physical Optics Corp., Real-Time Flood Forecasting and Reporting; Physical Optics Corp., Real-Time Information Contextual Correlation and Analysis Software System; Progeny Systems Corp., Internet of Things Low Cost Flood Inundation Sensor; and Red Balloon Security, Hybrid Prediction for Embedded Malware.