TSA Awards IBM Task Order Bridge for Screening Gateway Services
The Transportation Security Administration has awarded IBM [[IBM] a potential one-year task order bridge to continue providing adaptive maintenance, application development and Tier III support for the Vetting and Credentialing System Screening Gateway. IBM is the incumbent for the work but in the spring of 2020 lost a recompete to
AFS, LLC. IBM subsequently protested and TSA decided to take corrective action and at a minimum re-evaluate the proposals and make a new award decision. The potential value of the task order bridge was redacted. The Screening Gateway services and applications provide the functionality for application ingest and adjudication, biometric identification, credential management, and application status management. The program processes applications for programs such as the Aviation Worker, Hazardous Material Endorsement, Indirect Air Carrier, Cargo Screening, Alien Flight Student, TSA PreCheck Application, General Aviation, and Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Programs.
Fairbanks Morse Defense Lands $13M Coast Guard Contract
Fairbanks Morse Defense (FMD) says it has received a five-year, $13 million contract from the Coast Guard’s Surface Logistics Center to supply opposed-piston engine parts for the 140-foot Bay-class Icebreaking Tugboats. The contract also includes provisions for spare parts for the Coast Guard’s decommissioned Hamilton-class high-endurance cutters that have been transferred or are in the process of being transferred to foreign navies.