XTec Cleared to Begin HSPD-12 Work for DHS After GAO Denies HP Protest
Following the rejection of a protest by a competitor, XTec Inc. has been cleared by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to begin work on a potential $102.8 million contract the department awarded the company in February to implement credential and identity management solutions for the department and its components. After XTec received the potential 10-year contract,
Hewlett Packard [HPQ] protested the award to the Government Accountability Office, prompting DHS issue a stop work order on the contract. GAO ruled against HP in mid-June. XTec, HP and Deloitte (formerly Bearing Point) had been providing DHS HSPD-12 services since 2008 under a Blanket Purchase Agreement that allowed the department to compete the work. In Sept. 2013, DHS awarded HP the HSPD-12 contract, which XTec protested. Despite GAO dismissing the protest, DHS reevaluated the bids, leading to the award in February to XTec. Deloitte is partnered with XTec on the new contract. Under the contract, XTec will provide enrollment, training, identity management and credential issuance services. The cards include photos and fingerprints and agencies have the option of including iris images. XTec will provide its Enterprise AuthentX 5 Suite for its solution. The first phase of the new contract allows for continuous issuance and maintenance of PIV credential used nationwide for physical and logical access control. Some of XTec’s other federal HSPD-12 customers include the Departments of Labor and State, and the General Services Administration in the Northeastern U.S.
SC&A Receives $9M BioWatch Monitoring Services Contract
The Department of Homeland Security has awarded SC&A a potential five-year, $9.1 million contract to provide field monitoring services under the BioWatch program for the National Capital Region. The award is a small business set aside. The region includes the Baltimore, Washington, Richmond corridor.
DTRA Awards Alion $11M for CBRNE Modeling and Simulation Tools
Alion Science and Technology has won an $11.4 million contract from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to develop an integrated set of CBRNE modeling and simulation tools to support Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction mission operational support, analysis and training. Alion says it will make enhancement to the Force-on-Force Evaluation and Analysis of Key Performance Parameters (FREAK) toolset by modernizing and managing code and software development, software production and distribution. “FREAK provides operational support to CBRNE missions as well as training in wide area search missions and analysis on physical security and personnel recovery,” says Terri Spoonhour, Alion’s group manager for Distributed Simulation.
DHS Awards G4S $78M for Security Guard Services
G4S Government Solutions, Inc. has received a potential $78 million contract from the Department of Homeland Security Federal Protective Service to provide security guard services at various locations in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The contract has a one-year base period, four one-year options, and one six-month option.