AUDAX, Rottendorf, Germany, was awarded a $33,993,460 option modification (P00004) of a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (HE1254-19-D-2005), for services to provide daily commute and special education needs student transportation services (STS) for the Stuttgart Military Community. This contract includes one five-year base period of performance plus one five-year option period which, if fully ordered, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $83,296,970. Work will be performed in the Stuttgart, Germany, area and is expected to be completed by Jan. 31, 2029.  Budgeted fiscal 2024 funds are committed in the amount of $4,256,462, to fund all STS requirements for the remainder of school year 2023-2024.  Future options for school year 2025-2029 must be annually committed to future task orders and are subject to the availability of funds in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.232-18 (Availability of Funds).  This contract was competitively procured with proposals solicited via the government’s Single Point of Entry site – Federal Business Opportunities with one offer received.  Department of Defense Education Activity Headquarters, Alexandria, Virginia, is the contracting activity.