Eccalon LLC, Hanover, Maryland, has been awarded a $16,546,326 firm-fixed-price modification (P00014) to contract HQ0034-18-F0572. The purpose of this contract is to provide National Security Technology Accelerator Program support (NSTA/MD5) for the Office of Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy. The National Security Innovation Network (NSIN) is building a community of innovators to solve national security problems. NSIN focuses on the delivery of education, collaboration and acceleration programs, which bring together people from the Department of Defense, the venture community and academia to generate new ideas, nurture talent and find novel applications of technology to support the warfighter. The cumulative total of all options exercised to date is $60,979,182, and the total if all future options are exercised will be $77,855,434.  Work will be performed at the Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia. Fiscal 2021 and 2022 research, development, test and evaluation funds will be obligated in the amount of $4,800,000 at the time of award. The expected completion date is Sept. 27, 2023. Washington Headquarters Services, Arlington, Virginia, is the contracting activity.