Georgia Power Co., Atlanta, Georgia, is awarded $22,380,425 for firm-fixed-price task order N6945019F0052 under a previously awarded utility energy service contract (UESC) (N69450-19-G-0102) for implementation of energy improvements at Naval Submarine Base (NSB) Kings Bay. The work to be performed provides for the design and installation of the following: lighting upgrades in 28 facilities; facility heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) controls upgrades in 22 facilities; electrical transformer upgrades in 22 facilities, and building envelope improvements of 27 facilities. As part of the contract, the utility will provide three years of operations and maintenance on the HVAC controls upgrades. The utility will also provide a performance assurance report to be completed approximately 12 months after all energy conservation measures have been installed and the UESC project has been accepted. As part of their performance assurance requirements, Georgia Power Company will provide operations and maintenance training to NSB Kings Bay personnel. Work will be performed in St. Marys, Georgia, and is expected to be completed by June 2020. The exact amount of the task order will be determined by financing at the time of acceptance. No funds will be obligated with this award as it will be financed and paid for with the savings from the energy improvements. Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 authorizes agencies to use appropriations, private financing, or a combination to comply with its requirements for UESCs for evaluations/project implementation. For this project, NSB Kings Bay has agreed to pay for the cost of services/construction from project financing which will be obtained by Georgia Power Company. The contract was procured under the authority of 10 U.S. Code. 2304(c)(5), statute expressly authorizes or requires that the acquisition be made through another agency or from a specific source, as implemented by Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-5. One proposal was received for this task order. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southeast, Jacksonville, Florida, is the contracting activity.