Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, Herndon, Virginia, was awarded a $69,818,701 modification (P00039) to contract W911S0-18-C-0004 to provide mission support for the planning, coordination and execution of exercises conducted by the U.S. Army’s Mission Command Training Program. Work will be performed in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, with an estimated completion date of Oct. 14, 2023. Fiscal 2023 operation and maintenance, Army funds in the amount of $69,818,701 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Field Directorate Office, Fort Eustis, Virginia, is the contracting activity.
Nan Inc., Honolulu, Hawaii, was awarded a $44,698,307 firm-fixed-price contract to construct a child development center building. Bids were solicited via the internet with four received. Work will be performed in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, with an estimated completion date of March 27, 2026. Fiscal 2023 military construction, Army funds in the amount of $44,698,307 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu, Hawaii, is the contracting activity (W9128A-23-C-0001).