RSI Services LLC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, has been awarded a $13,987,004 firm-fixed-price contract for excavation of radium contaminated soil at Old Magpie Creek. This contract provides for excavation of radium contaminated soil, disposal of excavated soil, radiological final status survey of the excavated site, surface restoration, restoration and preservation of Building 690, unrestricted radiological release, and certification of remedy completion. The location of performance is former McClellan Air Force Base, California. The work is expected to be completed by June 20, 2028. This award is the result of a competitive acquisition, and three offers were received. Base realignment and closure operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $13,987,0004 are being obligated at the time of award. The 772nd Enterprise Sourcing Squadron, Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas, is the contracting activity (FA8903-24-C-0006).