Schuyler Line Navigation Co. LLC, Annapolis, Maryland (N3220518C3508), is awarded an $11,406,250 option (P00018) for the fixed-price portion of a previously awarded, firm-fixed-price contract, with reimbursable elements, to exercise a one-year option period for the operation and maintenance of the tanker SLNC Goodwill to provide transportation of clean petroleum products in support of the Department of Defense Logistics Agency Energy. This contract includes a one-year firm period of the performance, three one-year option periods, and one eleven-month option period, which if exercised would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $60,816,000. Work will be performed worldwide and is expected to be completed, if all options are exercised, by Sept. 13, 2023. Working capital funds (Transportation) in the amount of $11,406,250 are not yet obligated for fiscal 2022. This procurement was released under full and open competition with an unlimited number of companies solicited via the website, with no offers received. The Navy’s Military Sealift Command, Norfolk, Virginia, is the contracting activity.