Systems Planning and Analysis Inc., Alexandria, Virginia, is awarded a $13,884,462 modification (P00034) to a previously awarded and announced contract (N00030-21-C-6019) to provide support services for the Trident II Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile Strategic Weapons System. Tasks to be performed include technical services, program support services, assessments, special studies, and systems engineering services. Work will be performed in Alexandria, Virginia (86%); and Strategic Systems Programs Headquarters, Washington Navy Yard, Washington D.C., (14%). Work is expected to be completed Sept. 30, 2025. Fiscal 2024 operations and maintenance, Navy (OMN) funds in the amount of $928,944; and fiscal 2024 research, development, test and evaluation, Navy funds in the amount of $2,392,276, will be obligated on this award. The remaining balance of funding will be obligated subject to the availability of funds. Fiscal 2024 OMN funds in the amount of $928,944.00 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was awarded as a sole source acquisition with the authority of 10 U.S. Code 3204(a)(1). Strategic Systems Programs, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity.