TOTE Services Inc., Jacksonville, Florida, is awarded a $15,306,564 firm-fixed-price bridge contract (N3220524C4028) for the operation and maintenance of the Sea-Based X-Band Radar Platform (SBX-1). The vessel is operated for the Missile Defense Agency to provide limited test support services and is a contingency component of the Ground Based Mid-Course Defense element of the Ballistic Missile Defense System for U.S. Strategic Command. The vessel may also be used for other government missions as directed or placed in a reduced operating status. Work will be performed in the Pacific Ocean operating area and is expected to be completed by Sept. 30, 2025. This contract includes one 12-month base period, and a six-month option under Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.217-8 which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $23,125,543. Working capital funds (Navy) in the amount of $15,306,564 are obligated for fiscal 2024 and will not expire at the end of the fiscal year.