United Concordia Companies Inc., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was awarded a fixed-unit-price contract with a total estimated value of $963,803,377, including the base period (transition-in), seven one-year option periods, a one-year residual phase-out period, and a potential six-month extension. The Active Duty Dental Program 3 contract (ADDP3) provides comprehensive dental care services worldwide to eligible active duty service members (ADSMs) of the uniformed services. The contract supplements care available in the Department of Defense’s dental treatment facilities (DTFs), as well as provides care to those ADSMs living in regions without access to a DTF. The contract has fixed-unit prices for dental healthcare, dental claims processing, and customer support services. The ADDP3 contract was solicited per Federal Acquisition Regulation Subpart 6.1, Full and Open Competition, and two proposals were received. Performance of the ADDP3 contract will be accomplished at the contractor’s facilities. Defense Health Agency (DHA) fiscal 2021 operation and maintenance funds of $1,200,000 were obligated at the time of award for the base period. DHA, Managed Care Contracting Division, Aurora, Colorado, is the contracting activity (HT9402-21-C-0006).