Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Martin Dempsey said yesterday relationships are critical to face current and future challenges in the global environment.
“We need them to make our strategy work,” he told a National Press Club luncheon.
Marking his first year in the position, Dempsey said he has met with 57 of his counterparts in 22 countries.
Mutual respect is built on trust, he said, and part of that is building direct person-to-person relationships.
For example, when something plays out in the media, he can pick up the phone and directly call his counterpart, and have discussions.
He was very clear that he does “not communicate with that person through the media.”
As chairman, he visited Afghanistan six times in his first term, and learned something each time, he said. Discussions have ranged from campaign plans to tactical discussions.
From troops at the leading edge, Dempsey said he gets insights into what’s going on–such as the insider threat.
“We can’t let it dissuade us from our objectives,” he said. “I can’t prevent it, but I can continue to work to mitigate the risk.”
Part of that risk mitigation is to establish a level of trust with Afghans, he said. “You can’t commute to work.” Or work 9 to 5 and then go home. Trainers have to be part of the trainee’s lives to build that trust.
NATO, he pointed out, for more than 60 years “exists on a basis of shared values.” The challenge is to keep those bonds strong.
Also yesterday, NATO welcomed the nominations of Marine Gen. John Allen to be the new Supreme Allied Commander- Europe, and commander of U.S. European Command, replacing Navy Adm. James Stavridis, and the selection of Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford to succeed Allen as ISAF commander. Dunford is assistant Marine commandant. Both require Senate confirmation.
“Both are talented, courageous and thinking officers,” Dempsey said.
Hitting a historical note, Dempsey noted that Oct. 10 was the day in 1913 that President Woodrow Wilson opened the Panama Canal, an event that redefined geography and power.
This year, 17 nations participated in the annual Panamax exercise, an event with the scenario of defending the canal from invasion.
There are challenges ahead, Dempsey said.
With partners, “globally integrated operations” can be conducted, a concept that would quickly combine joint forces postured worldwide with partners to integrate capabilities.
This is a concept discussed in the September release of the Capstone Concept for Joint Operations: Joint Force 2020, and is still being fleshed out.