As it proceeds towards testing Northrop Grumman‘s [NOC] entry in the BioWatch Generation-3 program, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Health Affairs has issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking additional sources that could also provide a fully autonomous networked BioWatch Gen-3 bio-detection system. DHS says the program will include acquiring bio-detectors for both indoor and outdoor use as well as related information technology equipment, consumables and technical support for a nationwide deployment. Last year DHS decided to proceed with Northrop Grumman in the BioWatch Gen-3 effort while not continuing to pursue an effort with United Technologies Corp. [UTX] whose technology wasn’t meeting performance expectations (TR2, Dec. 8, 2010). At the time, DHS said it might still consider opening up another path for companies with relatively mature bio-detection technology to pursue Gen-3 opportunities. Under the new RFI, DHS wants systems that meet Technology Readiness Levels of seven or higher. Sol. No. PHASEIIRFI-2172011. Respond by March 14. Contact: Carla Davis, contracting officer, [email protected].