The Army’s Edgewood Chemical Biological Center Technology Evaluation Team will be sponsoring Technology Readiness Evaluations in the current fiscal year to evaluate advanced chemical detector technologies of Toxic Industrial Chemicals and to evaluate advanced biological detectors and collectors as well as combined detector/collector technologies that can distinguish air samples as biological threat versus non-biological threat in the present of interferents. The biological detector should also be able to detect spore and vegetative bacteria, virus, toxoid, and one stimulant within five minutes. The chemical detector evaluation is expected to begin in April and the biological detector evaluation in June or July. Chemical detector Sol. No. USA-SNOTE-080207-001. Respond by Feb. 29. Contact: Gregory Jamison, 410-436-4448, [email protected]. Biological detector Sol. No. USA-SNOTE-080204-001. Respond by March 4. Contact: Glen Mattingly, 410-436- 4210, [email protected].