July 21-22, 2021 National Harbor, MD
The Largest Maritime Expo in the U.S. Sea-Air-Space brings the U.S. defense industry and key military decision-makers together for three days of informative educational sessions, important policy discussions and a […]
CHART THE PATH TO ASSURED AUTONOMY IN-PERSON CONNECTION AND ON-DEMAND INSPIRATION. Join a community of end users, technologists and policymakers working together to write the next chapter of autonomous innovation […]
Since 1981, SATELLITE has been pivotal in forging the path forward for the space & satellite communities. The evolution of technology has been accelerated, making this year’s event more important […]
U.S.-China Trade Controls September 20, 2021 (EDT) | Virtual Conference Back by popular demand, the American Conference Institute is excited to announce the 3rd Edition of the U.S.-China Trade Controls Virtual Conference on September 20th, 2021! Don’t miss the Industry's Annual Forum on MEU and MIEU Rules, New Legislation, Data Transfers and Emerging Technology […]
As recent attacks on US interests have shown, many of the industries required to maintain our way of life are vulnerable to cyber attacks from outside actors as well as […]
Cybersecurity is more relevant than ever. The recent high-profile ransomware attacks on the meat and fuel industries have led the Justice Department to categorize these investigations at the same level […]
Defense Strategies Institute’s 6th Annual Counter-Insider Threat Symposium will bring together senior level officials from the US Government and Industry to discuss the evolving policies, operations, and technologies needed to […]
DSI’s Military Vehicle Systems Summit is a ‘Town-Hall’ style forum that will bring together experts from across U.S. Military Services, DoD, & Industry to discuss current initiatives & challenges toward […]