Lockheed Martin [LMT] has received a potential five-year, $47 million contract from the FBI to continue managing the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division’s Card Scanning Service (CSS) program. The contract covers the conversion of paper fingerprint, palm print and photo records in to electronic records. The palm print and photo records conversion represent new additions to the CSS program. Records processed through CSS are submitted by state, local and federal law enforcement agencies and used to populate the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification systems maintained by CJIS. Under the new contract the BBI will also be able to automatically process paper fingerprint records submitted by foreign law enforcement agencies. Eventually the records processed through the CSS program will populate the FBI’s Next Generation Identification database, which is being developed by Lockheed Martin. The company has been working on the CSS program for 10 years. Lockheed Martin’s teammates on the work include IMTS, Communications Resource, Inc., Aware, Inc. [AWRE], and BancTec.