The Army is working to improve the new modernization-focused Futures Command’s engagement with small businesses, according to a Government Accountability Office report released Wednesday.
The report notes the Army has concurred with several recommendations to push Futures Command toward developing measures for tracking partnerships with small businesses and coordinating with other organizations on utilizing these companies to bolster research and development efforts.
“According to command officials, they prioritized setting up the command structure and engaging with small businesses quickly, instead of focusing on coordination,” GAO officials wrote. “The command has recently been working to improve coordination, but has not formally coordinated such as by establishing agreements with other Army organizations that have small business expertise.”
GAO specifically recommended that Futures Command establish a process for systematically tracking its small business engagement moving forward.
“Tracking and measuring engagement would help ensure the command obtains quality information that may help the Army evaluate, and potentially enhance, its small business engagement,” officials wrote.
Army officials said they have heard from small businesses with concerns over delays between initial outreach and entering into potential contracts, GAO noted in its report.
The report also recommends Futures Command work with the Army Office of Small Business Programs to assist with improving its small business coordination.