Gatekeeper USA, Inc. [GTKP] and its development partner Container Security Logistics, LLC (CSL), say they will respond to the recent Request for Information from Customs and Border Protection for a Container Security Device that would be used to monitor door open events on cargo containers. Late last month GateKeeper USA awarded an exclusive development and licensing agreement with Container Security Logistics for the accelerated development of the Container Automated Monitoring System (CAMS). CSL says it expects to ship the first device in the near future for field testing. Gatekeeper plans to begin marketing the CAMS device to countries included in the Container Security Initiative. Gatekeeper says the CAMS device will have rapid, automatic and specific identification and quantification of chemical, biological and radioactive compounds. The device doesn’t rely on radio frequency identification communications, which Gatekeeper and CSL believe can be used to unwittingly trigger an explosive device if one were successfully introduced into a container.