Boeing [BA] said this week that its GPS Operational Control Segment (OCS) has gained full operational status with the Air Force 50th Space Wing, Schriever AFB, Colo.
“The official acceptance of the Boeing-built OCS marks the first time in more than 20 years that a GPS control system has been deployed for use by the Air Force,” said Craig Cooning, vice president and general manager of Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems.
“Since beginning to support the GPS fleet in 2007, OCS has been a high-performing ground control infrastructure that has supported an expanding set of GPS services and capabilities,” Cooning added.
The Boeing-led industry team supported the Air Force in completing a comprehensive series of operational tests and evaluations that began in 2007, when the Air Force transitioned satellite operations from the previous system to OCS.
The OCS system–designed to improve operations and provide new capability to GPS users–uses its distributed, open software and hardware architectures to increase operator efficiency, and the accuracy of positioning, navigation and timing, according to Boeing. Reducing operator workload enables greater emphasis on the effective support of GPS- enabled military operations. In addition, the flexible OCS design provides a foundation for new capabilities by accommodating technology improvements and new missions.
The Boeing team has provided ground operations support to the GPS fleet for more than 30 years. In 2010, Boeing delivered a new GPS security capability designed to protect GPS receivers against fake satellite signals sent by adversaries. In 2007, Boeing successfully assisted the Air Force in deploying two major ground control segment elements: the Launch and Early Orbit, Anomaly Resolution and Disposal Operations (LADO) and the Architecture Evolution Plan (AEP) Operational Control Segment (OCS).
Boeing is currently under contract to build 12 GPS Block IIF satellites. GPS IIF is the product of Boeing’s experience with 40 successful satellites from the GPS Block I, Block II/IIA and GPS IIF missions. Boeing has served as a prime contractor for GPS satellites for more than three decades, and GPS IIF will form the core of the GPS constellation for many years to come.