Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) member Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) won’t vote for another continuing resolution (CR) and wants an omnibus style appropriations package, he told reporters Tuesday.

Graham said he opposes another CR, though he said one might pass anyway, because it would deprive the military of a budgeted spending boost for another few months. The current CR ends December 9 and whether to push through appropriations during the lame duck session with President Obama still in the White House, or to wait until President-elect Donald Trump takes over with full Republican control will be a hot issue in the days before Congress leaves for December holiday break. CAPITOL

Graham also said he wants an omnibus appropriations package instead of individual bills. The omnibus, or one giant appropriations bill subject to votes, has been popular on Capitol Hill the last few years as lawmakers have been unable to pass individual spending bills. Graham, in addition to his SASC duties, is also on the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee.

Graham said he supports fellow SASC member, Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), for defense secretary if Trump, selects him. Congress has roughly 3.5 weeks of legislative days left before leaving for holiday break.