iRobot Corp. (IRBT) yesterday said the Army plans to procure two additional low-rate initial production brigade sets of model 320 Small Unmanned ground Vehicles (SUGV).

The Defense Acquisition Board formalized its approval to purchase additional SUGVs under the Brigade Combat Team Modernization (BCTM) program in February. It allows for the delivery of 76 total SUGVs for two additional infantry brigade sets.

iRobot has already delivered 45 SUGVs as part of the Army’s low-rate initial production contract for the first brigade set of BCTM Increment 1 capabilities.

The company also continues to develop the follow-on SUGV variant for the BCTM program. This SUGV variant will provide enhanced processing, sensor and communication capabilities and is expected to be available in the 2012 timeframe.

“We are pleased that the U.S. Army has announced its intent to procure two more brigade sets of SUGV,” said Robert Moses, president of iRobot’s Government and Industrial Robots division. “It’s a testament to the positive feedback we have received about SUGV since being fielded. These robots are meeting Army requirements and performing as expected on the battlefield.”

iRobot and Boeing [BA] teamed to develop the SUGV, a smaller and lighter version of the combat-proven PackBot. It gives warfighters real-time awareness of critical situations and allows them to complete dangerous missions from safe standoff distances. The SUGV fits in a backpack and can carry a variety of payloads and tools.