U.S. Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) this week issued a Request for Information (RFI) on irregular warfare immersive simulators for small units.
The command wants to know about training technologies and/or systems now in advanced development either for the Defense Department or for commercialization.
The RFI also wouldl like information about organizations or consortia with the ability and experience in related areas.
Responses must be e-mailed by March 31.
The information will be used to help develop and refine the government’s need.
DoD wants simulators for Special Operations Forces and Army and Marine ground forces to gain the same advantages in simulating tactical and ethical decision-making in ground combat, the command said. The simulator for the RFI includes not only individual soldier or team virtual reality systems, but also immersive augmented reality facilities based training systems that allow greater interaction with the training environment and can be stimulated by that environment, as well.
Responses should provide information focused on technologies or systems at the company level and below, specifically emphasizing small units to address irregular warfare related scenarios and tasks for individuals through company level.
The command wants information in response to the RFI that addresses topics in one of the seven requirements categories: culture, environmental, realistic systems employment and effects, task specific training, the ability to interact with organizations and capabilities outside the small unit, training assessment and systems architecture/training systems.