Pentagon acquisition chief Frank Kendall this week released a final version of his DoD Instruction 5000.02, meant to replace the 2008 version and include key tenets of three increments of Better Buying Power.
The instruction builds upon the interim version, released in December 2013, and “emphasizes tailoring of program structures, content, and decisions points to the product being acquired,” according to a memo Kendall released on Jan. 7.
“DoDI 5000.02 contains several program structure models instead of a single model. These models, however, are not alternatives from which a Program Manager must choose; they serve as examples and starting points that can and should be tailored to the actual product being acquired,” the memo said. “Program Managers and Program Executive Officers should use these models as references to assist their thought processes and analysis of the best structure to use on a given program.”
Kendall noted that this would not be the final version of the acquisition instruction, as he believes in continuous improvement. He noted he is working with Congress to simplify the statutory requirements that guide program managers, calling them “burdensome and overlapping.” He said he would update the instruction if progress is made on that front, as well as once his office crafts an addendum dealing with managing cyber-security in program development.