South Korea’s SI Analytics this week said it has launched a new program that targets its commercial satellite imagery artificial intelligence (AI)-powered analytical capabilities at neighboring North Korea’s mobile ballistic missile activities.

The North Korea Dynamic Ballistic Missile Operation Area search project uses electro-optical data from multiple satellite providers, including Planet Labs [PL], and layers the imagery with its geospatial AI platform to detect anomalies in near-real time.

SI Analytics made the announcement during the annual GEOINT 2023 Symposium in St. Louis. The company said it eventually plans to expand its coverage globally to complement existing government and defense efforts.

The company said that the capabilities that commercial companies like Planet and SI Analytics can bring to bear can detect anomalies in strategic areas of interest that governments can be challenged to prioritize.

Some of the monitoring of North Korea’s mobile missile operations includes wide area scanning, change detection, identification of areas of interest, and a comprehensive analysis of whether an area requires further monitoring.