The State Department on July 3 released additional details about the types of ballistic missiles, launchers, and bombers being counted under the latest New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) aggregate data.

The treaty requires each country by February 2018 to cap its nuclear arsenal at 700 deployed ICBMs, submarine-launched ballistic missiles SLBMs), and heavy bombers; 1,550 fielded strategic warheads; and 800 deployed and non-deployed long-range launchers.

The latest aggregate numbers were initially released in April, with data declared as of March 1. The numbers show that the United States has reduced its fleet of deployed ICBMs, SLBMs, and heavy bombers from 681 to 673, while Russia has increased its own from 508 to 523.
The U.S. ICBM systems all pertain to the Minuteman III, according to this week’s updated information. Specifically, the fact sheet shows a total of 405 deployed Minuteman III ICBMs, the aging land-based system that will eventually be replaced by the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent.

The sea-based systems counted under the treaty include 220 deployed Trident II SLBMs, and 48 total deployed heavy bombers. Among deployed heavy bombers, 12 are B-2A stealth bombers, and 36 are B-52H long-range strategic bombers. Another 41 B-52H bombers are equipped for non-nuclear armaments, according to the fact sheet.

The latest aggregate data also shows the U.S. increased its number of deployed strategic warheads from 1,367 to 1,411, while Russia decreased its own from 1,796 to 1,765. Meanwhile, the U.S. reduced its number of deployed and non-deployed long-range delivery systems from 848 to 820, while Russia cut down from 847 to 816.