Lithuania’s Neurotechnology has introduced VeriSpeak, a new voice identification technology. VeriSpeak is available as a software development kit and as a voice identification component in the company’s latest MegaMatcher 4.1 multi-biometric, software development kit. VeriSpeak combines voiceprint identification and phrase recognition technologies, enabling the development of two-factor voice verification and authentication systems that can identify a person by biometric voice pattern and use of a pass phrase. Neurotechnology says that VeriSpeak can be used with a regular microphone, which means it could be used for applications such as online banking and payment transactions. “Today’s laptops, mobile phones and many other devices are ready for owner identification by voice without any additional hardware costs,” says Dr. Algirdas Bastys, voice identification project scientist for Neurotechnology. “By combining voiceprint with phrase identification techniques, VeriSpeak can reliably verify a person’s identity using a phrase that contains only a few words.”