Lockheed Martin [LMT] announced Feb. 27 it signed a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) with the Army’s Communications-Electronics Research Development and Engineering Center’s (CERDEC) Intelligence and Information Warfare Directorate (I2WD).

The CRADA work will be to develop tactical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) tools and technologies to support current and future Army ISR capabilities.

“This is an exciting opportunity for Lockheed Martin. With the inherent synergies that exist between our organizations, we can accelerate the development of ISR capabilities that warfighters need in the field today,” said Elton Schroeder, vice president of C4ISR Systems for Lockheed Martin’s Mission & Combat Support Solutions.

“At I2WD, we focus on ISR solutions that shorten decision cycles for warfighters. By combining our expertise with Lockheed Martin’s, we hope to provide our forces with a decisive information advantage to build future warfighting capabilities,” Anthony Lisuzzo, I2WD director at CERDEC, located at Ft. Monmouth, N.J., said.

The team will investigate capabilities that enhance persistent ISR in a global networked environment; improve situational awareness and knowledge management across multiple domains; and improve decision making abilities at all echelons.

The CRADA includes experimentation, development and analysis of operational concepts and war gaming.

The team will take advantage of Lockheed Martin’s wide area network infrastructure and Center for Innovation.