Lockheed Martin [LMT] has competed on-orbit testing of the first Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellite, setting it up for the Navy’s operational test and evaluation ahead of its August timeframe to begin operations, the defense contractor said yesterday.

MUOS-1 is the first of five satellites, including a spare orbiter, under the new constellation intended to replace the Ultra High Frequency Follow-On system, boasting a 10 times greater communications capacity than its predecessor, Lockheed Martin has said. The system is to provide mobile warfighters with point-to-point and netted communications services at enhanced data rates, the company said.

MUOS-2 last month underwent testing at hot and cold temperatures in the thermal vacuum testing meant to simulate the extreme conditions the satellite will encounter in orbit. MUOS-2 is scheduled for launch early next year.

MUOS-1 launched in February. The second satellite is to launch in early 2013. The entire constellation is set to become fully operational in 2015.