The Missile Defense Agency anticipates the release of a Request For Proposals (RFP) for its Medium Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM) targets program, according to a notice posted recently on Federal Business Opportunities.

MDA also plans a pre-proposal conference within two weeks of RFP release, according to the notice.

A Lockheed Martin [LMT] spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail recently that she expected the RFP to be released in April. MDA originally announced it anticipated the RFP to be released in March. She said Lockheed Martin expects to bid on the program.

A spokesman from Orbital Sciences [ORB], which builds small, medium and long-range target missiles, said the company also plans to bid on the program.

The MDA wants to procure a MRBM with a 2,000 kilometer target and a 600-kilogram payload, according to the notice. The requirement is for targets under a contract including cost-reimbursement and fixed-price contract items, according to the notice.

MRBM requirements include development and manufacturing of MRBMs, integrated logistics support to include inventory storage and maintenance; pre- and post-mission analysis; launch preparation and execution and engineering services. The notice also says the targets will be air and ground-launch capable.

MDA still expects a contract award in 2012, according to the notice.