The State Department approved a possible $157 million Foreign Military Sale (FMS) request to Morocco for TOW 2A, Radio Frequency (RF) Missiles (BGM-71E-4B-RF), M220A2 TOW Launchers and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support.
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified Congress of the potential sale on Nov. 17.
Photo: Raytheon
The requested FMS would include major defense equipment (MDE) of 600 TOW 2A, Radio Frequency (RF) Missiles (BGM-71E-4B-RF); seven TOW 2A, Radio Frequency (RF) Missile (BGM-71E-4B-RF) Fly-to-Buy Lot Acceptance Missiles; and 300 M220A2 TOW Launchers.
The sale would also include Missile Support Equipment; Government-Furnished Equipment; Technical Manuals/Publications; Spare Parts; Tool and Test Equipment; Training; U.S. Government Technical Support/Logistical Support; Contractor Technical Support; and other associated equipment and services.
The prime contractor for the sale would be Raytheon [RTN].
Morocco would use the equipment to modernize its ground defense capability, DSCA said.
Implementation of the sale would require U.S. government or contractor representatives to travel to Morocco for multiple periods to assist equipment deprocessing/fielding, system checkout and new equipment training. No more than six contractor personnel would be in-country at any time and all efforts are to take less than 14 weeks total.