By Geoff Fein
The Director of Naval Intelligence (N2) has been tasked with reorganizing the Chief of Naval Operations’ (CNO) staff to consolidate N2 and the Deputy CNO Communizations Networks (N6) into a single entity.
Additionally, under the reorganization plan, the Director, Navy Staff-Quadrennial Defense Review (DNS QDR) will become the Director, Naval Warfare Assessment (NOOX).
According to a memo from CNO Adm. Gary Roughead to Vice Adm. David Dorsett (N2), the nature of operations today demands a whole-warfighting approach to how the service plans, resources, and assesses its operational and combat capabilities.
“The Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) must be organized to achieve the integration and innovation necessary for warfighting dominance across the full spectrum of operations at sea, under the sea, in the air, in the littorals, and in the cyberspace and information domain.”
The reorganization plan is to be briefed to Roughead for decision no later than Aug. 5.
Along with the transition from DNS QDR to NOOX, the new directorate will optimize warfare assessment on the OPNAV staff, according to the June 26 memo.
Rear Adm. William Burke is currently the director, Navy QDR.
“OPNAV reorganization will be executed as one, integrated event beginning on 1 October 2009,” Roughead said in the memo. “The execution plan may have several phases, but all phases must be completed by 18 December 2009,” according to the memo.
The NOOX will report directly to the CNO, and its mission will be to “assess existing and proposed Navy programs and address desired warfighting and operational capabilities,” the memo added.
Specific responsibilities of the NOOX will include:
- Identify gaps and shortcomings in warfighting capability.
- Make recommendations to the CNO on how the Navy should allocate risk.
- Monitor, evaluate, and assess the Navy program.
- Conduct other assessment as directed by CNO.
The restructuring will not add any additional personnel to the OPNAV staff, the memo noted.
Under the reorganization, the N6 billet will be used to establish a Fleet Cyber Commander (FLTCYBERCOM) on Oct. 1, 2009, to serve as the Navy component commander to the U.S. Cyber Command, according to the memo.
Currently, Vice Adm. Harry Harris is the DCNO for communication networks (OPNAV N6).
“The OPNAV Reorganization Team shall propose administrative and operational relationships between FLTCYBERCOM and other Navy and Joint Commands and define clear roles and responsibilities within these interfaces,” the memo said. “The team shall also identify governance mechanisms across the Navy to optimally align and manage Navy’s information capabilities.”
The OPNAV reorganization team includes Dorsett, Burke, and Rear Adm. Raymond Spicer, Navy staff representative to the 2009 Nuclear Posture Review (N3/5); Rear Adm. Allen Myers, director, warfare integration/senior national representative (N8F); Rear Adm. William Leigher, director, information operations (N3IO)/DDNI for Cryptology (N2C) (N39); and John Zangardi, deputy director warfare integration programs directorate for the DCNO Communications Networks.